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Privacy & Treatment | OneNetwork.it


La One Network Italia SpA con sede in Viale Mazzini 101, Post office box 6107 – 00195 Roma, informa, che durante la navigazione effettuata a partire dall’indirizzo www.onenetwork.it corrispondente alla pagina iniziale del sito ufficiale della società, non vengono raccolti automaticamente dei log di sistema o altri dati riferibili direttamente o indirettamente al navigatore (es. indirizzo IP; pagina di provenienza; tipo di browser e di sistema operativo utilizzato dal navigatore, ecc.). Al momento non viene effettuato alcun monitoraggio delle attività svolte sul sito internet di proprietà della società.

Naturalmente, é fatta salva ogni futura ed eventuale attività di controllo che sia sollecitata, in conformità alla legge, da forze di polizia, dall’autorità giudiziaria, da organismi di informazione e sicurezza o da altri soggetti pubblici per finalità di difesa o di sicurezza dello Stato o di prevenzione, accertamento o repressione di reati.

La società informa altresì che esistono aree del sito in cui l’utente può liberamente ed espressamente fornire una serie di dati che lo riguardano (es. registrazione nella sezione Contatti/Form/Area Riservata).

I dati personali forniti espressamente dagli utenti che inoltrano richieste di invio di materiale informativo sono utilizzati al solo fine di dare seguito alla richiesta e sono comunicati ai soli soggetti terzi coinvolti nell’evasione della richiesta medesima.

L’invio facoltativo, esplicito e volontario di posta elettronica agli indirizzi indicati su questo sito web comporta la successiva acquisizione dell’indirizzo del mittente, necessario per rispondere alle comunicazioni via e-mail, nonché degli eventuali altri dati personali inseriti nella e-mail.

Il sito web é protetto da apposite misure di sicurezza, in linea con il progresso tecnologico e con l’evolversi dei rischi informatici; in particolare, le specifiche misure di sicurezza.

Si informa che, nonostante la società faccia tutto quanto ragionevolmente possibile per proteggere il sito ed eventuali dati personali forniti dai navigatori, allo stato attuale della tecnologia non é possibile scongiurare del tutto il rischio di sicurezza nella navigazione o trasmissione di dati via e-mail: nessuna trasmissione via Internet o e-mail può dirsi perfettamente sicura o esente da errori.
A norma di legge, la società garantisce comunque il diritto di accedere ai dati personali presenti in propri archivi attivi, di chiederne la rettifica, l’aggiornamento e la cancellazione, se incompleti o erronei, nonché di opporsi al loro trattamento per motivi legittimi (che, in tale evenienza, il navigatore dovrà specificare), ai sensi degli artt. 7-10 del D.Lgs. n. 196/2003; tali diritti potranno essere esercitati rivolgendosi a One Network Italia SpA, Viale Mazzini 101, Post office box 6107 – 00195 Roma attuale responsabile del trattamento dati.


This cookie policy has the specific purpose of illustrating the types, how to use and to provide guidance on actions to reject or delete the cookies on the website, if you desired. a. What they are and how they are used cookies. I cookie sono stringhe di testo di piccole dimensioni che i siti visitati inviano al terminale (computer, tablet, smartphone, notebook) user, where they are stored, only to be passed to the same sites at the next visit. The purpose of the cookie is to remember the actions and preferences, for example the navigation language, so that should not be shown again when the user navigates from one page to another of the same or you will return at a later time. I cookie, then, They are used to perform authentications, monitoring of surfing sessions and storing information about the user's activities for statistical and advertising purposes. Nel corso della navigazione all’interno di un sito, l’utente può ricevere sul suo computer o dispositivo mobile anche cookie di web server diversi da quello che sta visitando. Tali cookie sono denominati “cookie di terze parti”. Cookies can not collect any information stored on your computer or in the user's files. Cookies can be: of "session" which are stored on the user's computer for purely technical and functional requirements, for the transmission of session identifiers needed to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site; they cancel at the end of the "session" (from which the name) when closing the browser. This type of cookies avoids the use of other techniques potentially prejudicial for the confidentiality of user navigation; "Persistent" which remain stored on your computer hard drive until their expiry or cancellation of the users / visitors. Through persistent cookie visitors who access the site (or any other users who use the same computer) They are automatically recognized at each visit. Persistent cookies fulfill many functions in the interest of surfers (such as the use of the language of navigation or the recording of the shopping cart in the online shop. however, persistent cookies can also be used for promotional purposes. Visitors can set your computer's browser so that it accept / reject all cookies or display a warning whenever a cookie is proposed, in order to assess whether or not to accept. User specified, anyway, To change the default configuration (default) and disable cookies (ie loccarli definitively), setting the higher level of protection. b. Come funzionano e come si eliminano i cookie I browser web più comuni e diffusi permettono la cancellazione dei cookie tramite comando manuale o automaticamente alla chiusura del browser stesso. The same browser can be configured (admin panel) to block the creation of cookies; in questo caso non è più garantito il corretto funzionamento del sito web o del servizio Internet offerto In base alla normativa vigente in Italia per l’utilizzo dei cookie (http://www.garanteprivacy.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/3118884) They were identified three types of cookies: technical cookies; User profiling cookies; third-party cookies. Among the technical cookies, that do not require a consent for their use, the Guarantor for the protection of personal data includes: i “cookie analytics”, when used directly by the site operator to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itself; the navigation cookies or session (for example for authentication); the feature cookies, che permettono all’utente la navigazione in funzione di una serie di criteri selezionati (for example, the language, or a wishlist) in order to improve the service rendered to the same service. Cookies profiling, both created by OneNetwork.it site by third parties, sono quelli invece volti a creare profili relativi all’utente e utilizzati al fine di inviare messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le preferenze manifestate dallo stesso nell’ambito della navigazione in rete. On this type of cookie, the Guarantor requires explicit acceptance by the user.

By using the site, agree to our use of cookies by our. Cookies are small text files downloaded from your computer when you visit a Web site. When you get access to new Web sites they visit or others who use the same cookie, these are recognized, as well as your computer or mobile device.

This cookie policy has the specific purpose of illustrating the types, how to use and to provide guidance on actions to reject or delete the cookies on the website, if you desired. a. What they are and how they are used cookies. Cookies are small strings of text that the sites you visit send to the terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, notebook) user, where they are stored, only to be passed to the same sites at the next visit. The purpose of the cookie is to remember the actions and preferences, for example the navigation language, so that should not be shown again when the user navigates from one page to another of the same or you will return at a later time. I cookie, then, They are used to perform authentications, monitoring of surfing sessions and storing information about the user's activities for statistical and advertising purposes. While navigating within a site, the user can receive on your computer or mobile device even cookies web servers other than they are visiting. These cookies are called "third-party cookies". Cookies can not collect any information stored on your computer or in the user's files. Cookies can be: of "session" which are stored on the user's computer for purely technical and functional requirements, for the transmission of session identifiers needed to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site; they cancel at the end of the "session" (from which the name) when closing the browser. This type of cookies avoids the use of other techniques potentially prejudicial for the confidentiality of user navigation; "Persistent" which remain stored on your computer hard drive until their expiry or cancellation of the users / visitors. Through persistent cookie visitors who access the site (or any other users who use the same computer) They are automatically recognized at each visit. Persistent cookies fulfill many functions in the interest of surfers (such as the use of the language of navigation or the recording of the shopping cart in the online shop. however, persistent cookies can also be used for promotional purposes. Visitors can set your computer's browser so that it accept / reject all cookies or display a warning whenever a cookie is proposed, in order to assess whether or not to accept. User specified, anyway, To change the default configuration (default) and disable cookies (ie loccarli definitively), setting the higher level of protection. b. How they work and how you delete cookies The most common and popular web browsers allow the deletion of cookies by manual command or automatically at the end of the same browser. The same browser can be configured (admin panel) to block the creation of cookies; in this case it is no longer guaranteed the proper functioning of the website or Internet service Under current legislation in Italy for the use of cookies (http://www.garanteprivacy.it/web/guest/home/docweb/-/docweb-display/docweb/3118884) They were identified three types of cookies: technical cookies; User profiling cookies; third-party cookies. Among the technical cookies, that do not require a consent for their use, the Guarantor for the protection of personal data includes: i “cookie analytics”, when used directly by the site operator to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site itself; the navigation cookies or session (for example for authentication); the feature cookies, that allow a user browsing the function of a number of selected criteria (for example, the language, or a wishlist) in order to improve the service rendered to the same service. Cookies profiling, both created by OneNetwork.it site by third parties, on the other hand are those aimed at creating their profiles to the user and used in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the same part of surfing the net. On this type of cookie, the Guarantor requires explicit acceptance by the user.
